Hello class! Today I am very tired, I believe that is because today I have done an exam of geografa and I have passed many nerves. For my to do an exam can be becomes an assembly of nerves. Therefore when I finish the exams I I finish very tired!!! Today it was a very dificult exam and do lack to study a lot. But good, now already I have done it and already I am not nervious, it evil now is that tomorrow I have another exam mats; but already is the last exam!!! Already I carry a while studying, but already I have finished.
Today I want to speak you on my mother. In concrete I want to explain you that she is a very good cook, and that everything that prepares to eat I love.
When she was small her mother teach her to cook. Before when she already had formed his family he began to especialtzate to the kitchen. Always she is bought all kinds of magazines of kitchen to go cooking new things. My sister, my father and me we are the ones that taste the dishes and the ones that think, that is to say, we are like some judges.
The last month my mother has been bought a plots to cook that itself name "Thermomix". With this it plots to learned there do all kinds of things, from ice.creams and sherbets of fruits to new very good prescriptions. I like a lot to eat, and I have the luck that my mother cooks thus of well.
Good-bye classmates!!
My mother is the woman with hair brown, red and blond....jijiji
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